Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Two Families

I have been thinking about blogging for a long time.  I finally decided to take the plunge.  I'm not really sure that I have anything worthwhile to blog about, but here goes.

I really had a hard time trying to decide whether or not I wanted some type of theme for this or not.  I finally decided that I would focus on what has had the biggest impact on my life -- my two families.  Yes, I have two families, and they are both God given.  The first one is the family that I was born into.  The second one is the family that took me in on December 7, 1997.  I love both of my families.  However, the second one understands me so much better than the first.  This is because of our "common bond."

A little over 14 years ago I was told I had to make a choice.  Did I want to live or did I want to die?  I didn't want to die, but I also didn't want to live the way I had been living for so many years.  The problem was that I didn't know how to live any other way.  That was when the miracle happened.  My Higher Power chose to put some of the most amazing, incredible, loving people into my life.  I will forever be grateful for C.M. who looked at me and said, "You never have to feel this bad again if you don't want to."  That was also the night that I met J.K. (may you rest in peace my dear friend).  He truly introduce me to this fellowship that has become my second family.  

I also met Susie that night.  This is where the name of this blog comes from.  She has taught me so many things over the past 14 years.  The one thing she has taught me that has meant the most is this.  I never have to be alone again.

My life changed that day.  I find myself thinking of Robert Frost.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
As my friend Blake would say, it's another day in the win column.